The Movie of the Millennia


It is Susan's World, it is "Nuclear Space" now. The "Theological Era (Theological Space)" is ancient history. They are the dinosaurs that have been scheduled to go extinct. They will soon no longer co-exist on this planet. The Powers of the Universe have seen the depths to which they will go to continue their existence, their "Reign of Terror." This is not allowed in Nuclear Space.

In Nuclear Space, only rational thinking can exist. The development of the power of the atom brings an even greater responsibility in handling that power. Civilizations can only continue on out into the universe if they show a rational understanding and use of the technology they have developed. Once they find the power of the atom, they then have to demonstrate they can rationally handle the tremendous responsibility associated with ensuring that power is only used in a rational manner.  It is unfortunate that Susan found such irrational behavior in "Nuclear Space," for it will soon be the end. It will be Doomsday 2026.

 Chronology of Events with Pertinent Details:

January 3, 1961; There is an accident at the SL-1 Army Test Reactor in Idaho. Three (3) men were killed.

Circa ≈ 1965: Susan Marie Warner, somewhere between age 5-7 (so we'll just assume 6 years of age) encounters something not from this planet in the barn on her Iowa family homestead within proximity to the Duane Arnold Nuclear Power Plant. It is consistant with "alien abduction experiences" recounted by others, that she hears about at a later age. 

She had gone into the barn at the request of her mother to move her kittens out of the way, so that the cows could be brought in for milking. The kittens had distemper. The probability of un-vaccinated kittens survivng distemper is less than 1%. She knew they were dead as soon as she was told by her mother they had distemper.


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 The Biblical Chapter "Revelation" Has Been Entered.

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